PAEE Individual Memberships and Perks
Seedling (Student) – $20/year
Acorn (Retiree) – $25/year
Oak Tree (Individual) –
$30 / 1 year
$50 / 2 year
$65 / 3 year
Sycamore (Lifetime Individual) – $750
- Discounted rate for our annual conference
- Networking & Professional Development opportunities
- The ability to join our committees – JEDIA, PD, Conference, Membership, EE Certification
- Networking – share ideas with other environmental professionals
- The ability to enroll in our nationally accredited EE certification program
- Subscription to our email newsletter
- A commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
Sycamore Tree Membership ($750)
- Lifetime membership to PAEE
- $250 of your payment towards a PAEE donation category of your choice OR one conference registration fee at no charge (lodging not included).
- We will be in touch after your membership is processed.
PAEE Organizational Memberships and Benefits

Forest Membership ($120):
- Benefits for up to 6 members. You can add more members at the discounted rate of only $20 each.
- Discounted rate for our annual conference
- Networking & Professional Development opportunities
- The ability to join our committees – JEDIA, PD, Conference, Membership, EE Certification
- Networking – share ideas with other environmental professionals
- The ability to enroll in our nationally accredited EE certification program
- Subscription to our email newsletter
- A commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
- Special PAEE member trip partnered with your organization
- Listing logo on our website as a member
Maple Tree Memberships ($250) get all of the above plus:
- Inclusion in one of our newsletters
- Social media acknowledgment upon joining
- Listing logo & link on our website as a member
Hemlock Tree Memberships ($500) get all of the above plus:
- Memberships for up to 8 individuals
- Advertisement of the organization’s related events via social media and email newsletter, 4/year (or one per quarter)