Schedule At A Glance (the order and the activities are subject to change)

Monday, March 10 – Join us during the morning and early afternoon to explore Erie in our Pre-Conference Field Trips or the afternoon Project WET preconference workshop!
**AFTERNOON/EVENING** –  Registration, Dinner for all, Annual Meeting, Awards Ceremony
Tuesday, March 11 – Breakfast, Conference Workshops, Lunch, Conference Workshops, Dinner, Keynote Speaker, Evening Activities
Wednesday, March 12 – Breakfast, Conference Workshops, Silent Auction Winners, Wrap Up Activity, Post conference field trips, Depart in Early Afternoon (Lunch on your own)

Conference Schedule

The annual conference is a “paper-light” event, which means no program book will be distributed. You will find information on the opening session, exhibitor workshops, speakers, and schedules online. A PDF Program Book will also be available for you to download or print. 

(Subject to small changes)