Environmental Educator Certification Program

About the Program

The Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators administers a professional certification program to recognize the qualifications that are essential for success in the field of environmental education.

As a ‘PA Certified Environmental Educator‘,  you hold a credential that demonstrates a deep understanding of the knowledge, skills, and qualities needed to deliver exceptional environmental education programs.

The EE Certification program is largely self-guided (with oversight from our committee) and can take up to 3 years to complete.  Our goal is that the certification will be respected and recognized by employers, audiences, and funders throughout the region.

40 hours of ACT 48 are available. These can be claimed yearly ($10 each year) or after the program is complete (one-time fee of $10). 

* All requirements for our EE Certification Program need to be completed AFTER your application has been approved. You have 3 years to complete the process. *

Program Requirements

  1. Be a PAEE Member
  2. Complete a work sample portfolio including evidence of program development, delivery and evaluation
  3. Submit written reflections on books and other resources included in the EE Certification reading list
  4. Attend EE Certification workshops at the annual PAEE conference. (There may be other opportunities to complete this task with PAEE’s monthly Professional Development Series. You can find that information HERE. )
  5. Pass the Environmental Literacy Test (we recommend doing this towards the end of the process). You will email us to schedule the test.
  6. Recertify every 5 years (after 3 recertifications you are certified for life).

Next Steps

  1. Email stacey@paee.net to get a copy of the manual for your review. 
  2. Complete the application and send that with your letter of support and resume to stacey@paee.net.
  3. The EE Certification committee will review your information and a decision of acceptance will be made within 2 weeks of your submission.
  4. Confirm your PAEE Membership status ($20-$30/year)
  5. After notification of acceptance pay the $100 application fee.
  6. Complete your portfolio using guidance from the manual.
  7. Schedule, take, and pass (80% or more) the Environmental Literacy Test ($90).


Interested in Being a Mentor or on the Committee for the PAEE EE Certification Program? 

  • Mentors are seasoned educators who want to share their knowledge and expertise in assisting and advising a candidate who has enrolled in PAEE’s EE Certification program.
  • We are always looking for individuals to serve on the EE Certification Committee. We welcome professionals with all backgrounds and employment histories.
  • If you are interested in being on the committee or a mentor for candidates in our program, please complete this form. If you choose to be on the committee, we will be in touch. If you sign up to be a mentor you will be added to our list and we will not give out your name or contact information prior to your consent.